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  • Santos M, Aruin A. Effects of lateral perturbations and changing stance conditions on anticipatory postural adjustment. J Electromyography and Kinesiology 2008 Jan 29; [Epub ahead of print]
  • Li X, Aruin A. The effect of short-term changes in body mass distribution on feed-forward postural control. J Electromyography and Kinesiology 2008 Jul 7. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Kanekar N, Santos MJ, Aruin A.S. Anticipatory postural control following fatigue of postural and focal muscles. Clinical Neurophysiology. 2008, 119(10):2304-2313.
  • Santos M, Aruin A. Role of lateral muscles and body orientation in feedforward postural control. Experimental Brain Research, 2008;184(4):547-559
  • Li S,  Aruin A. The effect of short-term changes in the body mass on anticipatory postural adjustments. Experimental Brain Research, 2007, 181(2):333-46
  • Li X, Zhou P, Aruin A. Teager-Kaiser Energy Operation of Surface EMG Improves Muscle Activity Onset Detection. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 2007  35(9):1532-1538
  • Zultowski I, Aruin A. Carrying loads and postural sway in standing: the effect of load placement and magnitude. WORK, a Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation. 2008; 30: 359-368
  • Shiratori T, Aruin A. Modulation of anticipatory postural adjustments associated with unloading perturbation: effect of characteristics of a motor action. Experimental Brain Research. 2007 Apr;178:206-15
  • Aruin A. The effect of asymmetry of posture on anticipatory postural adjustments. Neuroscience Letters. 401(1-2):150-153 (2006)
  • Shiratori T, Aruin A. Anticipatory postural adjustments associated with rotational perturbations while standing on fixed and free-rotating supports. Clinical Neurophysiology, 115:797-806 (2004)
  • Aruin A, Shiratori T. The effect of the amplitude of motor action on anticipatory postural adjustments. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 14: 455-462 (2004) 
  • Aruin A, Shiratori T. Anticipatory postural adjustments while sitting: the effects of different leg supports, Experimental Brain Research, 151: 46-53 (2003)
  • Aruin A. The effect of changes in the body configuration on anticipatory postural adjustments, Experimental Brain Research, 151: 46-53 (2003)
  • Aruin A, Mayka M, Shiratori T. Could a motor action that has no direct relation to expected perturbation be associated with anticipatory postural adjustments? Neuroscience Letters, 341: 21-24 (2003)
  • *Aruin A. The organization of anticipatory postural adjustments. Automatic Control, 12: 31-37 (2002)
  • Slijper H., Latash M., Rao N.  Aruin A. Task specific modulation of anticipatory postural adjustments in individuals with hemiparesis, Clinical Neurophysiology, 13: 642-655 (2002)
  • Aruin A. The organization of anticipatory postural adjustments. Journal of Automatic Control, 12: 31-37 (2002) 3: 642-655 (2002).
  • Aruin A., Shiratori T, Latash M. The role of action in postural preparation for loading and unloading in standing subjects, Experimental Brain Research, Vol 138: 458-466 (2001).
  • Aruin A., Ota T, Latash M. Anticipatory postural adjustments associated with lateral and rotational perturbations during standing, Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, Vol 11: 39-51 (2001).

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